ホーム 02【遊びに行く】 三重県の仏教文化をさかのぼる(外国人からの視点)


Otonamieで記事を書くのは久しぶりです。今回はMie Muで寺院に伝わる戦国の残像という展示会を見たことをお伝えします。



三重県の仏教文化の発展に津市域がはたした役割を紹介することも展示会の目的の一つです。津市は昔安濃津として知られる港湾都市でした。それで安濃津は経済活動だけでなく、宗教的および文化的活動でも賑やかな地域になりました。そして安濃津は信仰と文化に大きな役割を果たしました。 展示会では、森林の伐採を制限するための昔の制札を見ました。

約600年前に書かれた北畠氏時代の古い手紙を見ました。手紙は和紙を使って書かれ、よく保存されていました。私が読めなかった古い文字で書かれていました。展示会で案内して頂いた小林さんの説明では、当時は誰もが手紙を読めるわけではないとのことでした。手紙は実際には中世の日本語の文字を使用していて、漢文の文法も少し混ざっていると言われました。内容は減税といくつかの政治問題に関するものだそうです。字が読めないが、名前、宛先、内容、サインなど、手紙の構成についての説明がありました。 昔の日本人がどうやって手紙を書いたのか、その情報を教えられて非常にうれしいです。

実はこの展示会はMie Muの毎年恒例で、多くの人が楽しんでいたが新型コロナウイルスの蔓延により、訪問者は年前よりも少なくなっています。しかし、この展覧会は非常に多くの素晴らしい物も興味深いものです。

私のお気に入りの1つは、成願寺の木造阿弥陀如来倚像です。日本でいくつかの寺院の仏像を旅して訪れましたが、座っているこのような仏像を見たことがないです。 もう一つは和風の古い絵です。 仏教と日本文化がどのように混ざり合っているかを示しているので、とても美しくて面白いです。私のように仏教の知識が少ない人でも、この展示会は楽しく、とても有益だと思います。


たくさん学ぶことができたので私にとってこの展示会を見ることがとてもいい経験になりました。子供をMie Muに連れて行くのが好きな人もいるようです。 展示会は子どもでも読める限り楽しめると思います。 子供たちを楽しませるために、写真スポットやクイズもあります。


Tracing back the Buddhism in Mie Prefecture

It has been a while since the last time I wrote an article in Otonamie. This time I will write about my experience visiting an even in Mie Mu. I am so glad that I could see the exhibition.

(Pict 1)
The above picture is the cover picture of the exhibition which is the picture of Kitabatake. It was a beautiful picture showing the deviation of Kitabatake on this faith. Kitabatake was known for his important role on the spreading of Zen Buddhism in Mie Prefecture. His relationship with the temples in the area were proven with some relics that were shown in the exhibition.

Kitabatake built a huge castle in the mountain of forest Misugi. As I studied forestry in Mie University, I used to come to Misugi forest for investigation activities. I never heard that it was a castle in the top of a mountain. I was impressed by some beautiful archaeological remains from Kitabatake era that were shown in the exhibition such as 制札 and 香炉 which are well preserved. Although they are old and cracked, we can see that they were high value in the era and probably imported from China.

Another purpose of the exhibition is to introduce the role of Tsu City in the development of Buddhism culture in Mie Prefecture. Tsu City was formerly a port city, known as Anotsu. From the exhibition we can see that Tsu City religious activities together with the economic activities. And the forest of Tsu city had a big role in the faith and culture. In the exhibition, I saw a 制札telling to limit the overexploitation of the forest. Besides, there were also some proof of the relationship between Anotsu and the military activities during the Warring States period, including the old letters.

I was impressed by some old letter from the era of Kitabatake which were written about 600 years ago. The letters were written using Japanese paper and preserved well. The letters were written with old character I couldn’t read. Mr. Kohbayasi, who guided me in the exhibition, told me that not everyone could read the letters. I was told that the letters were actually using the ancient Japanese characters and a little mixture with Chinese Grammar. Mr. Kohbayashi told me that the letter’s contents were about tax reducing and some political matters. Although I could not read the letters, there were explanation about the composition of ancient letter, including the sender’s name, destination, content, and sender’s signature. I am glad to know this information and I am amazed about how old people have been so educated.

I saw many people enjoyed this exhibition which actually is annual event in Mie Mu. Due to the spreading of New Coronavirus, the visitors are fewer than years before. This exhibition is so interesting with so many amazing collections. One of my favorites is the sitting Buddha statue. I have never seen a statue like that even after I traveled and visited some temples and Buddha statues in Japan. Another one is an old drawing which is with Japanese style. It is so beautiful and interesting since it shows how Buddhism and Japanese collaborated.

I like to collect Go shuin by visiting some temples and also shrines. Although I just started this activity, I love how Buddhism and Japanese cultures have mixed since the ancient time. And I think even for people who have little knowledge about Buddhism like me, this event is enjoyable and also very informative. I see that some people like to bring their children to Mie mu. I think even children can enjoy the event as long as they can read. To entertain the children there are some photo spots.


いいね ! しよう

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